Saturday 14 November 2015

Hour Choice- Never Follow

This ad Hour Choice is characterised by the main component of freedom. This ad is promoting a feminine watch and is associated with expressing the need to individualise yourself away from conformists. The only lines on the page “Never follow” also emphasize this main point in exhibiting to the viewer about the personality of the model and don’t follow the ways of the norm by buying the watch. This could be relatable to the basic appeals I’ve talked about in class as many figures such as the model herself being the main attraction could portray this as the need to escape for example or the need for autonomy for aesthetic components. I think that the slogan of the brand “Hour choice” is a clever way of representing their idea of freedom because it is supposed to be the representation of “Our Choice” which means our choice of freedom. 

The model in the poster is the main focal point. However in my opinion it would entice me and make me think twice about why she was represented in this way. The target audience would be young adult females like the model who feel strongly about being their own individual and finding their own identity, which could perhaps be why the company chose to emphasize the western idea of a wedding dress that is not suppose to match the converse she is wearing. Woman who get married at this age might preferably wear elegant high heels which could visually junta pose that the watch and shoes are how the company expresses the freedom of choice. This is of course related to Ethos, which I think is important to young adult females. 

Perhaps this could relate to how women are represented. The commercial might have represented the model in this way, to model the watch in such a way that it would seem as if they were trying to change the way of women in society, as women did not have as much freedom as the role of a male back then, so women in general would be emphasised in this way.


  1. I like the idea that "hour choice" is a play-on-words for "our choice". Also, the point of the ad trying to change the way women are viewed is something I also picked up on, although my idea of it was a bit more like they were presenting her as an independent woman. All in all good post.

  2. A great descrpitive analysis of this visual text Yasmin. The last comment on how the author of this visual text wants to project a certain message to its target audience through a historical value is very interesting.

    I agree, that how you have percieved the model in this picture to be placed in such a way relates to the power of women through history, and how this visual text aims to target women wanting more individualism and rights. Possibly relating more to women, and possibly helping to sell the product more effectively.

    Great work !

  3. Really interesting point of view Yasmin. I agree with the word play used for the brand name "Hour Choice", it is quite clever in terms of the concept of this particular advertisement. The sentence "exhibiting to the viewer about the personality of the model and don’t follow the ways of the norm by buying the watch" could be reworded because I understood it differently. Good job though!
