Saturday 3 September 2016

David Foster Wallace Theory and Alice Munro.

In what ways could Wallace’s theory about education be applicable to the writing of Alice Munro? Justify your conclusion. 
David Wallace Foster addresses that true freedom is acquired through education in the ability to be adjusted, conscious and sympathetic in his literary piece this is water. "Control over how and what you think.”
This is achieved by our choice on the different perspectives of the world that we ignore because of our default mode during a typical day out. Wallace expressed through This is water that we can control our thinking and show our freedom instead of letting the thoughts set out for you crosses that experience out of your mind.
Achieving freedom through consciousness is determined by the ability to experience different perspectives of the world, through the example Wallace has provided in the grocery store on a “typical day out.”
Wallace also provides the important of fictitious thoughts as they strengthen your mind with experiences. Wallace explains this through the check out at the grocery store and imagining the lives or situations that the people nearby him are in, Of course, none of this is likely, but it's also not impossible — it just depends on what you want to consider.” This makes us sympathetic as human beings and adjusted which Wallace has also considered. Our ego is one of our many flaws as we constantly center ourselves without even doing it intentionally. There is no experience you've had that you were not at the absolute center of.

Wallace’s theory about education fits in to Munro’s writing as in all her stories I’ve read, she creates character and human development. Showing the human sympathy such as the example Alfrida. It was only revealed at the end about who she really was. And it shows us as readers the capacity to see beyond popular fiction. It encourages her readers to be more compassionate of the characters within the story, getting different perspectives. Her stories evoke emotional intelligence through developing empathy through the lives of not just the main character but through several characters of the story, such as the moons of Jupiter. Perhaps another reason for Munro to constantly keep her reader conscious through the  story through emotional intelligence is the ability to physically understand the role of the character within the short story as Munro cleverly places the reader within the characters mind through the narration. Overall, the ability of emotional intelligence according to Wallace’s Theory is that of being able to emphasize the emotional sympathy of the lives of multiple characters within a story.

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